CACHE/SPIRIT is the alien love child of Animistic Beliefs and media artist Jeisson Drenth. Originally conceived in conversations in Rotterdam, this project now lives as a digital network of ideas and files that manifest in different configurations. CACHE/SPIRIT is a space where studying ‘the self’ and the ‘other’ meets avant-garde audiovisual production using a rich collection of techniques, instruments, moving images and languages from different times and territories.
This next instalment of CACHE/SPIRIT presents the development of the three artist’s live A/V show from event to living and breathing artefact. It brings together an expansive collection of diverse techniques for artistic expression that the three love to work with. Drum machines and synthesisers create new worlds of sound; (un)edited conversations and writings inform moving images; the unearthing of the artist's ancestor’s history shapes their ways of being. The project introduces both the artists and their audiences to different languages and instruments e.g Vietnamese and Colombian writings, percussion instruments native to the Maluku Islands and contemporary image production techniques like visually similar image search algorithms and 3D scanning. These both technical and emotional research trajectories come together physically in a design of video projection and multiple palm computers - a space for new audiences to visit, (un)learn, move and (dis)connect.
CACHE/SPIRIT with both its frenetic and contemplative character, combines Animistic Beliefs other-worldly sounds with Drenth’s unique visual language of techno-spirituality. It is a warm invitation into the minds of three distinct artists that passionately try to make sense of the visible and invisible world.
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Ein Durchgang dauert etwa 30 Minuten
Je Durchgang sind max. 30 Personen vorgesehen