PYLON-Lab is excited to announce it’s upcoming group show MASS, opening on June 12th.
The exhibition will present works by Anna Ådahl, Bogomir Doringer and Clemens v. Wedemeyer.
As the artists, filmmakers and researchers that they are, they explore the phenomenon of the human body as a vehicle of political movements and social transformation processes.
By means of new media they document, analyse and translate different strategies of using the human body as a politically operative element in crowds and society as a complex structure.
MASS will present works that raise questions of the conditions and the complex structures between the individual and the collective, (semi-) private and public space, as well as control and flow of the human body in the 21st century.
The exhibition will be open at the regular opening hours on June 12th, from 4pm – 7pm. The exhibition can be visited by appointment. Please contact for appointments during the exhibition duration.
Please note the current restrictions and advice by the public infection protection ordinance passed by the Saxon State Government. We look forward to welcome you healthy at PYLON-Lab.