14. Sep
( Party )
Rawmantique’s 5 Years Anniversary
  • Majdolen (Berlin)
    Ræza (Raum Club, Amsterdam)
    Rakans (Pornceptual, Rawmantique)
  • Techno
Open The Binary

Maybe you’re a Dresdener, or not from here.
Maybe you’re local & perhaps you’re an immigrant. 
Maybe you’re a vessel, or even the universe. 
Maybe you are Rawmantique’s world that we live within.
Maybe you’re a person, or just an idea.
A feeling, a romantic love letter or just a wandering soul.
They told us you could only hide behind the binaries, 
But no more shall we do, cause I’m stronger with you.
For five bold years, we’ve stood our ground, 
Half a decade; A haven where all love is crowned. 

Come celebrate, let voices rise, 
On September 14th, light up the skies. 
Together, we’ll dance, we’ll shout, we’ll sing, 
For every color beyond our skin.
Let’s honor our journey, our pride, our way, 
Join us now, it’s our day.
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