10. Aug
( Festival )
Refugees unite!
  • M-Latts
    Nûroj Ensemble
  • Eintritt frei
We are refugees from all over the world who had to come to Germany because our countries could no longer cope with poverty, exploitation, oppression of all kinds, wars or climate catastrophe.

We speak different languages, but we have many problems in common. We have experienced similar things – before, during or after our flee.

We are also international because our problems are international. We also share these problems with many people who were born here. We belong together because our problems and many of our wishes are connected!

Nevertheless, we are experiencing growing hostility – a growing propaganda that robs our rights and our voice. Instead of talking about peace, fair distribution and stopping the epidemic of dehumanization, they want to talk about us as if our flee is not the consequence, but the cause!

We do not agree with that, and we have something to say! Whether to each other or to the people with whom we share the dream of a safe, fair and peaceful world - this must be our common ground!

Come to "Refugees unite!" to join us, support our demands and have fun together! Together we are stronger!

For justice, peace and liberation! P.S. Bring your families!

Demo: Für eine gerechte und friedliche Welt für ALLE!
With our demonstration, we want to send a strong signal for justice, peace and liberation and put things on their feet: Hostility towards refugees only benefits the rich and powerful - the impoverished and oppressed need common approaches for fundamental change!

Ort: Alaunpark, 01099 Dresden
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