08. Nov
( Konzert )
  • Snüff
  • Garage, Rock, Punk
SNÜFF is a garage rock trio from Padua (Italy). Andrea Davì (voice, guitar), Giorgia Malagò (voice, drums) e Alessandro Maroso (bass) play silly little punk rock songs. Queer, freaky & proud.

Ambulanz ! Surprise ! Means ambulance! The shortlived giggle of sniffing glue erased by the smell of rubber. Yes! Rubber like in a padded cell. Part of the band was raised in villages of the eastgerman Twin Peaks county equivalent - the woods of Thuringia. Speaking of a padded cell - that is coming up tough as it gets if you ask me. Like the Simpsons intro they ease you into their small - town - punk saga with jingle - ish melodies just to rip you up again like the bad speed that is the main economic force in these parts of the woods! Their setup is drums - guitar - synth - bass - 2 vocals and it rules!
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