09. Jan
( Diskussion / Vortrag )
Connecting IX
  • Eintritt frei
Wir haben uns gefragt, wie es um Dresdens Vernetzung im (Sub)Kulturbereich aussieht. Hast du Lust, dich mit uns und anderen aus dem Bereich auszutauschen? Welche Wünsche und Bedürfnisse gibt es, wo sind Chancen und Hindernisse? Wo kann man sich gegenseitig unterstützen und Wissen austauschen oder Ressourcen teilen? Wir wollen einander besser kennenlernen und vernetzen!

Ein entspannter Austausch also, bei dem du bekannte Gesichter wiedersehen und neue Leute kennenlernen kannst, ganz ergebnisoffen. Wir freuen uns drauf! 

Keine Voranmeldung nötig, Leute mitbringen ausdrücklich erwünscht.

Gemeinsame Veranstaltungsplanung für 2024
09. Jan
( Konzert )
Take Note - Songwriter Sessions
  • Dan Riley
  • Singer / Songwriter, Folk, Pop
  • Eintritt frei
Here at The Blue Note we have wanted for some time to set up a Singer-Songwriter evening which opens the door to new musicians and old alike, enabling there to be a regular event aimed at providing a platform for creative expression within our well-established music venue in Dresden Neustadt. You can see live music most nights of the week here and there is a lot of amazing international musical traffic passing through the door. In addition to this it makes sense to us to have a monthly evening where we showcase musicians and artists who are perhaps new to the scene, or at the beginning of their journey as performers and wish to build up experience and a local following, or simply are not regular performers at the Note but who are often playing outside of our local area. Local musician and Songwriter Dan Riley has joined forces with us to act as our booking agent and host for this event. He is a regular here at the club with his duo project 'Riley & Voltz' and also performs solo from time to time. Dan will do doubt play a few songs at the beginning of each evening in order to grease the wheels and get things flowing nicely.

The usual format for each evening will feature two sets of live music from two different acts, but occasionally we will feature just one act if they are accomplished enough and have the body of material needed to play two sets. Lastly, this is not a ticketed event. It is free entry to all guests but with a recommended minimum donation per person required. 100% of the donations from the audience goes to the artists performing on the night. We look forward to hearing from you :)

Musicians who are interested in featuring at one of the monthly Take Note - Singer-Songwriter nights should apply directly to danrileybooking@gmail.com and should send a short text bio, one or two promo pics and a few links to music (audio & Video).

Musiker, die daran interessiert sind, bei einem der monatlichen Take Note – Singer-Songwriter-Abende aufzutreten, sollten sich direkt bei danrileybooking@gmail.com bewerben und eine kurze Textbiografie, ein oder zwei Bilder und ein paar Links zu Musik (Audio und Video) senden).
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